Image of Animal Crossing creature moth AC:NH Tracker

Animal Crossing: New Horizons honeybee

Image for honeybee

Creature Information

Inactive until March


8 AM – 5 PM
12 AM
12 PM
12 AM
Mar - Jul
Animal Crossing bell icon Nook's Price 200 Bells
Animal Crossing bell icon Drop Box 160 Bells
Animal Crossing bell icon Flick Price 300 Bells
How to Catch Flying near flowers
Spawn Rates 30
Unlocked After 0 Catches
Furniture Item for honeybee

Furniture Details

Happy Home Academy

Category Pet
Base Points 64
Size 1x1



I caught a honeybee! Ah, sweet success!

Blathers Information

Did you know it takes a team of honeybees working together to transform flower nectar into honey? Indeed, forager bees suck nectar from flowers into their "honey stomachs" and then fly it to the hive. Hive bees then chew the substance and spit it into the honeycomb, fluttering their wings to dry it out. Yes, you could say honey is a tasty tribute to the hard work of the humble honeybee. Oh! Oh my! You mustn't confuse my lengthy description for admiration! At the end of the day, honeybees are still insects, and thus still ghastly! A wee bit less ghastly than most, I admit.