Animal Crossing: New Horizons mantis shrimp
Creature Information
Active until 9 AM!
4 PM – 9 AM
12 AM
12 PM
12 AM
All year
Nook's Price 2,500 Bells
Drop Box 2,000 Bells
Shadow Size Small
Speed Medium
Spawn Rates 2–8
Unlocked After 20 Catches
Furniture Details
Happy Home Academy
Category Pet
Base Points 0
Size 1x1
I got a mantis shrimp! Shrimply amazing!
Blathers Information
Think carefully before you mock the mantis shrimp for its diminutive size. I warn you, it's itching for a fight! A pugilist through and through, this brightly hued fellow packs a punch unparalleled on land or sea. Not only are its forelimbs shaped like clubs and scythes, its arms are naturally spring-loaded too! Thus the mantis shrimp's high-speed blows crack open crabs and oyster shells with ease. And should you grab it with your hands, you might discover why it's called "the thumb splitter" too!