Animal Crossing: New Horizons migratory locust
Creature Information
Inactive until August
8 AM – 7 PM
12 AM
12 PM
12 AM
Aug - Nov
Nook's Price 600 Bells
Drop Box 480 Bells
Flick Price 900 Bells
How to Catch On the ground
Spawn Rates 10
Unlocked After 20 Catches
Furniture Details
Happy Home Academy
Category Pet
Base Points 64
Size 1x1
I caught a migratory locust! Things just went south for this guy!
Blathers Information
Ah yes, the lone migratory locust. It seems like such a harmless hopper as it bounces about in the grass. But beware! When these pests band together and travel in swarms, they leave devastation in their wake! Migratory locusts have gathered by the millions throughout history, wiping out crops and causing famine. That's why I always say, "Never let a locust hang out with its friends!". That is precisely how a plague begins.