Animal Crossing: New Horizons ranchu goldfish
Creature Information
Inactive until 9 AM!
9 AM – 4 PM
12 AM
12 PM
12 AM
All year
Nook's Price 4,500 Bells
Drop Box 3,600 Bells
C.J. Price 6,750 Bells
Shadow Size Small
Location Pond
Difficulty Hard
Vision Narrow
Spawn Rates 1–2
Unlocked After 20 Catches
Furniture Details
Happy Home Academy
Category Pet
Base Points 71
Size 1x1
I caught a ranchu goldfish! But I prefer balsamicu goldfish!
Blathers Information
The ranchu goldfish is a charming relative of the goldfish with a bumpy head and stout, round body. They have ordinary heads when born, but develop impressive rectangular heads after about three years. Supposedly their head shape changes depending on factors like the size of their tank... So ranchu goldfish enthusiasts aim to raise perfectly shaped specimens and work hard to achieve this. Of course, no one asks the ranchu goldfish themselves what shape they want their heads to be...