Animal Crossing: New Horizons snail
Creature Information
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Nook's Price 250 Bells
Drop Box 200 Bells
Flick Price 375 Bells
How to Catch On rocks/bushes
Spawn Rates 20
Unlocked After 0 Catches
Furniture Details
Happy Home Academy
Category Pet
Base Points 64
Size 1x1
I caught a snail! It's...not much to brag about.
Blathers Information
Snails are not insects, I'll admit. But they're just as revolting to me. Snails are mollusks, you see, and are born wearing shells they cannot remove. Instead, their shells get bigger and bigger as they grow. Hoo! They must get heavy, don't you know! I suppose that's why they need a trail of mucus to move about. A truly foul form of transportation.