Animal Crossing: New Horizons sweetfish
Creature Information
Inactive until July
All day
12 AM
12 PM
12 AM
Jul - Sep
Nook's Price 900 Bells
Drop Box 720 Bells
C.J. Price 1,350 Bells
Shadow Size Medium
Location River
Difficulty Hard
Vision Medium
Spawn Rates 5–10
Unlocked After 0 Catches
Furniture Details
Happy Home Academy
Category Pet
Base Points 71
Size 1x1
I caught a sweetfish! Hope it's not artificially sweet!
Blathers Information
Sweetfish are the damp heralds of summer! These slippery fellows appear in numbers when it warms up. They hatch in a river, then swim to the ocean. Once mature, they return to the river where they were born. But when they return depends on the river temperature— if it's too cold their fishing season will start later. Some even say summer can't start without sweetfish despite the KEY role played by the earth's axial tilt!